IoT / M2M Innovation World Cup 2015/16 | Award Ceremony

24 February 2016
Barcelona, Spain
Get ready for the next generation of IOT game-changers! The finalists of the IOT / M2M Innovation World Cup 2015/16 will be announced soon!
The IOT / M2M Innovation World Cup is the leading IOT / M2M innovation competition worldwide. The database of the 4th edition closed on the 15th of November. The huge numbers of submitted solutions demonstrate the great innovation potential in the area of machine-to-machine communication and the Internet of Things.
The official award ceremony of the IOT / M2M Innovation World Cup 2015/16 will take place on the 24th of February 2016 in the Centre de Cultura Contemporània in Barcelona during the Mobile World Congress. The finalists and winners of each category will be announced and awarded and they will also present their innovative solutions on stage. They are competing in the categories “Mobility”, “Smart City“, “Security“, “Healthcare“, and “Connected Home”. An international panel of experts will select the most innovative solutions.
Save the date for this firework of innovation! Don´t miss the chance to meet the next IOT game-changers in person and stay tuned: The winners will be announced soon!
Register here.
This event is “by invitation only”. If you have not been invited by the organizer you will receive a confirmation if your request is accepted. Participation is free of charge.
Please find the flyer for the event here.
Award Ceremony program
at 06:00 pm: Innovation World Cup Award Ceremony.
We will welcome Gerhard Schedler from Swisscom, Joe Braga from Telit, Marc Naddel from MediaTek Labs, Matthias Dorsch from VARTA Mictrobattery and Axel Hansmann from Gemalto for a speech.
Afterwards the finalists will pitch their innovative solutions:
- Sebastien Vandenheste, BBDL
- Maxence Chotard, EISOX
- Denis Sokol, iSocket Systems
- Oliver Coutade, MYXYTY
- Andreas Vogler, BizFact
- Jason Appelbaum, Ever Charge
- Moe Mahmoodian, PAYUCA
- Enis Doğru, Sade.Io
- Ryan Evans, Inboard Technology
- William Mutal, IoT Smart Systems
- Ruud Riem – Vis, Kizy Tracking
- Dr. Paul Slaby, Teslonix Inc
- Jonathan Gael, Ether2
- Philip Goebel, Quanticare
- Stefan Pfeffer, Microtronics Engineering
- William H. Powers, PixController
- Alysia Sagi-Dolev, Qylur Intelligent Systems
- Christian Störi, Swissprime Technologies
- Abe Matamoros, EllieGrid
- Francois Vandenheste, FILLONY
- Philip Goebel, Quanticare Technologies
- Jari Naula, SEP Solutions/Onni Smart Care
At last the winners of the Innovation World Cup will be awarded.
After it, we will have a Get-Together.
For the complete program of the WT | Wearable Technologies Conference 2016 EUROPE, please click here.